I started scuba diving in Cebu at a small municipality called Dalaguete in a local dive center that’s just completely wonderful. And ever since, I’ve been hooked. I’ve taken many diving trips all over Cebu and around the country but, I have to say, diving in Cebu has always been the best experience for me.

When I started out, little did I know that scuba diving actually has some great health benefits that has helped me become a more physically fit individual. I never expected it but the more I was into scuba diving, I came to realize that hey, this is actually improving my overall quality of life! I feel healthier, more active and look forward to doing everything I can to being physically fit on land so I can be at my best under water.

Let me share to you a few tips and tricks I’ve learned in scuba diving that can get you tip-top shape. This list basically includes what I do to be in great physical shape to meet the demands of scuba diving but I realize, these can actually apply to anyone, whether you’re a diver or not:

Walk, Jog, Run – The Road to Cardiovascular Fitness

Your heart is very important when diving. In fact, people with heart disease are more likely to experience a fatal heart attack when diving. For optimum cardiovascular fitness, I was advised by my doctor to do three simple things: walk, jog and run. I started with simple brisk walking three times a week. I slowly progressed into a slow jog then finally, I got into running. Some weeks, I mix it up a bit, I walk on a Monday, jog on a Wednesday and run on a Friday. Some days I’m on the treadmill at the gym regardless, these are great and simple cardiovascular exercises that are definitely great for your overall health. I’ve found I have more stamina to deal with work and life in general.

Don’t Diet, Just Eat Right

I am actually prone to high sugar levels. Blame it on genetics and on the yummy leche flan my grandma makes when I was growing up. I did my research and diving with diabetes is not a pretty picture. Since I began diving I’ve also began to think carefully about what I was putting into my body. My dive master had told me to cut down on fat and eat healthy. Now, that’s great advice for just about anyone.

Easy And Effective Scuba Diving Workout Routines

One my diving buddies actually told me about some great workout routines that target diving muscles. I thought, you know, diving muscles or not, they are muscles all the same. So I’ve taken what I’ve learned from my diving friends plus the ones I’ve researched online and now I have some really great workout routines that not only help me with my diving but have also helped me achieve strong muscles. I’m still working on those rock-hard abs though. I’ve developed my own workouts but it would be best for anyone else to look up some routines online that will work for you. But here’s what I’ve taken from scuba diving to real life: 

Quick Warm Up Boosts – You can do: 1) Simple squats 2) Push-ups against the wall 3) With hands on hips, twist your torso left and right 4) Make easy windmills with your arms 5) Stretch out the areas in your body that feel tight. These are actually what I do before a dive but it’s also great to boost you up in the morning before work.

So there you go, scuba diving not only allowed me to delve into the underwater world but health-wise- I’ve also learned to take some great things that I can apply in real life, whether diving or not.